About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Turkey Talk

Yesterday morning I was looking out the kitchen window & all of a sudden I saw this huge bird coming out of the woods. I realized it was a turkey. Then more and more of them started pouring out. Adults and their babies. They were eating the seeds from the bird feeders that fall to the ground. They hustled out when they realized they were being watched.

First day of school was yesterday. Got the 1st & 4th graders ready. Syd & Evan. New outfit (check), new shoes (check), back pack (check), eat lunch (check). They both looked so old. Picked them up at 3:30, both liked their teachers and had a good day. (check)


Renee said...

wow turkeys, i thought i saw my kids in there, lol..and thanks so much for getting them ready, even tho syd had to change her mind on her outfit, i tried to warn her that she would be hot, but nnoooo, what do i know..

Chris said...

Gobble Gobble!

Chris said...

Hey I am having some of their family members for dinner tonight:( Now I feel bad....well not that bad.

Unknown said...

Wow-maybe you could bag one for Thanksgiving. Isn't it fun to get kids ready for the first day of school?