About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th ~ Seriously?

Time it is a flying!  Peyton's 1st birthday has come and gone.  Doc put me on insulin.  All the workers quit and had to hire more.  Took a flash trip to Grand Rapids for a training and a minute R & R.  Now it's time for the BIG garage sale.  There is tons to sell.  Need to see about getting a tent.
I have to tell you that I've been keeping trac of what I eat and exercise on an "App" on my I-phone.  It's called "My Fitness Pal."  IT's been very helpful in keeping me on the right track.  It's so quick and easy.  It even scans boxes and cans etc. if they have a bar code.  So far most of the foods have been listed.  I guess it has a huge database.
Stay tuned to my other blog http://creativecookeryhealthfullyso.blogspot.com/.  I've been trying some new recipes and I will be posting those soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Man I so have not had time to write.  There is just clusters of stuff circling around in my head.  Life is very busy right now.  Between working and babysitting and trying to get the housework down.  Whew!  Then there is the whole taking of the insulin 4 times a day.  I had to set the alarm on my phone just to remember that.  Going on a tiny little break on Monday.  There is a training for work in Grand Rapids on Tuesday.  We are going one day early to do something fun.  Maybe the Meijer Gardens, or golfing.  Or maybe just NOTHING> 
Peyton keeps me busy on the days I watch him.  He is quite active now adays.  So much fun & really, he brings joy to my life.  So cute and so funny!
Really trying to watch the diet and then to get the exercise in.  My new activities are: walking, badmitton and tennis.  Not sure if the badmittion will work out.  Too much laughing and then........  Oh dear.
Oh, and I got a new "Life is Good" hat AND Tee today.
Going to wrap up so I can chill for a few.

Monday, April 2, 2012

My New Favorite Apple

Pink Lady.  I had one today that was from the Door To Door basket.  It was so good.  A little tart which is what I like.  We are doing well at diving into the goodies.  Sarah made baked pears last night.  Very tasty.  (even tho I NEED Marlene's recipe.)  [So when you close down your food blog it takes all the recipes right with it.........]  Grin.
Check out my other blog for today's recipe.