About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Pictures from the Great White North

It was a rather cool week up north. Bailey spent most of his time on the deck watching for the squirrels. There were a few nice sunsets. It rained a few times. We only took the boat out once and rode our bikes once. We went to a farm market but they mostly had cherries. It felt kind of nice to get back home.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Packing Again!

Getting ready to go up to the ole cottage in Boyne. Can't believe I haven't been there yet this year. Hope the boys can hold down the fort. And Renee of course, who will keep them in line. Got the cutest bird house from my sistopher Jan. It's a wooden camper. I will have to post a pic when I get back. See ya!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Again ~ But Not For Long

Added 2 extra days on to our camping trip. Weather was nice, the spot was awesome. Right on the St. Clair River. I will upload pictures tomorrow. Stopped in Port Huron for lunch. Drove through a brief shower, then got home to sunny skies. I had 77 e-mails waiting for me in my "inbox." Gotta hurry up and clean the house and get the billing done so we can leave to go up to the cottage in Boyne on Friday. My bff Syd came over for BLT's tonight. Of course hers was just a B on toast. Then apples and peanut butter for a snack. We played "house." The garden yielded some beans and a cuke while we were gone. Gave the cuke to Syd cause she is the one who wanted us to plant them. Gonna cook the beans tomorrow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Going Camping

To the Algonac State Park - It's right on the St. Clair River.
Come and Visit - Just call first.
Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Dawg Water Ski Competition on Lake Jepawhit

When we lived in Gaines we heard about a private man made water ski lake that was built a few miles from the house. Whenever we drove by the gates were always locked. We were always curious about the place and just wanted to see what it looked like. Yesterday I was watching the morning news and they were talking about a ski competition on Lake Jepawhit in Gaines. Ah Ha I thought. That must be that lake we always wanted to see. So yesterday afternoon we drove over there and low and behold the gates were locked. Then we noticed a side road. Sure enough that was the access road to the lake. We could've seen the lake years ago, but we never knew about that side access road. Too funny. So we watched the Big Dawg slalom competition and had fun taking pictures and videos. Here is my favorite - shot by of course - me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

First Ever 5k Walk = Success

So, I started and finished my first ever 5k (3.1 miles) walk. No matter that I finished next to last. The point is after all that I set a goal to complete the walk and I did. It was amazingly hard. Couldn't have done it with out Sarah's gentle positive encouragement. It was a nice evening and pleasant surroundings. Crossroads Village. The only incident came when at the end the idiot who was running the finish line took it down about 5 minutes before we were done. Nice. Not so nice words I had for the race personnel. Needless to say we are supposed to get a full refund. I am expecting a written apology ~ or watch out they will get a scathing letter from me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blue Bird Family Returns

The bluebird is a symbol of happiness and optimism in numerous cultures around the world.

I am so excited. Mr. and Mrs. Blue bird came back to dwell in the old bird house again. We can hear the babies peeping every time their mommy and daddy bring them a fresh bug. They were very busy this afternoon going back and forth to bring the meal. It's so interesting to watch.

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's actual, Ev'rything is satisfactual
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Eggplant Parm

Went to Rich's Farm Market today and got a wee little eggplant. Made some awesome Eggplant Parm w/spaghetti on the side. It was quite tasty. Mom and Dad always liked it when I made that. Cleaned the house today, whew it was dirty. Watered my plants, you know the usual. Got my hiney kicked at the gym. Did laundry. Guess I was pretty busy today. Oh and Ricky came back to see if the garage sale was open and plied Sarah for another can of paint. Put in an application at the Know Place (teacher's store) yesterday.
Please pray for Sarah's cousin Chris's mom. She had a stroke and is not really doing well.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Fourth of July Fact:

304 million: The nation’s population on this July Fourth.Source: Population clock <http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html>
Today's activities:
Me and Bailey sittin in the garage again w/ G. Sale ~ made $4.50 so far
Bugging Sarah to weed wack the yard
Going to Katie's in-laws for picnic and fireworks
Running up to Kroger to buy something to take to the picnic
Trying to motivate myself to do some kind of exercise
Happy Independence Day Everyone! Let Freedom Ring! Be thankful for our freedom today.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Me and Bailey Running the Garage Sale

Selling some of the leftover "stuff" from last weekend's garage sale. I love getting rid of "stuff." I always swear up and down that after the garage sale I will buy NO MORE stuff. Actually doing well for a second sale. At least the sun is out today and it's quite a bit warmer than the past few days.Sorry to hear it was only 58 degrees up north where my sistopher and brother-in-law-opher are. It's supposed to be summer after all! Ricky from down the street was here 13 times. Funny kid. He took some free house paint and painted his bike with it ~ tires and all. I gave him a free item though because he went and checked my signs and then pounded them in with a hammer. Now he's mad at my because I wouldn't give him an electric scooter or tv for five bucks! He'll be back tomorrow, I'm sure of it.