About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Day of September

"Come," said the Wind to the Leaves one day.
"Come over the meadow and we will play."
"Put on your dresses of red and gold."
"For summer is gone and the days grow cold."

September's birthstone is the sapphire. The meaning is clear thinking.
The birthflowers for September are the forget-me-not, and aster.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Baby Shower, Tea Party & Family Antics

Saturday was my niece Michelle's baby shower. She is expecting a boy in November on my Mom's birthday actually. The shower was a tea party. Very pretty. We had tea and little tea sandwiches and scones. I made cucumber sandwiches, which were very dainty and tasty. They were a big hit. She got lots of nice stuff. Here is a picture of her with the diaper cake I gave her. (Renee made it!) After the shower my sisters and nieces and I spent some time together reminiscing and being silly. So much fun. My poor brother-in-law Don. Other then baby Brady he was the only guy there. He hung in there with us though, and even played Uno,Uno,Uno with us! We ate left-overs for supper. Yumm all over again. I won't even tell you who peed their pants. (not me!) We laughed till we cried. A very nice time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Rest For the Weary

Work Work all day long ~ sounds like a country song. Hey wait a minute, it is! I scammed out of going back to the eviction house today. Didn't feel good. Neighbors woke me up. Drunk and laying in the yard.. Might be funny if it didn't keep me up. (No NOT the Renees.) Thankfully the peeps took at least 2/3 of their junk.( from the evict house) We saw pictures that an inspector took a couple days ago. I will stay here and keep plugging away at getting the accounts up to date.
Looking forward to the FPU class tonight. Financial Peace Univ. by Dave Ramsey. I highly reccommend it for anyone who feels frustrated by:
  • not having cash on hand
  • not having a savings account (with actual money in it!)
  • not having a $1000 emergency fund
  • having debt: small or major
  • not having a 3 mos expenses account for when stuff happens

It's really enjoyable, you watch a dvd and then discuss with the people in a small group. People who messed up with their money, just like you. It's really an eye opening experience~especially regarding that six letter work; CREDIT.

Here is an excerpt: Imagine... Having absolutely no debt--no car payments, no credit card payments, not even a house payment. How would it feel to actually get to keep your money instead of mailing it out to a dozen creditors month after month?

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Views From A Live Eviction

A Very Busy Day!
Wednesday dawned bright and sunny as we headed down to Howell to do the "live" eviction. The PO-po were there. (Just in case.) They cased the joint, but no one was there. So we broke in and started moving stuff out. Tons and tons of stuff! About an hour later, a car speeding down the road honking came to an abrupt stop. A lady jumped out and started cursing us all. It was the homeowner. The 2 sheriffs had to calm her down. At one point I heard the sheriff tell her, "do not touch me again." She was pretty upset. We just kept on moving stuff out. The neighbors tried to help by putting stuff in their garages. Apparently her husband or "ex", we're still not sure which, was out of town. She tried to tell the sheriff that the governor said she could stay. It took 8 of us FIVE hours to get all the stuff, and I mean ALL. The sheriff said EVERYTHING; even the fridge and washer/dryer! The garage was packed with junk. Now we are waiting to get the "ok" to go and get all the stuff they didn't take or move. sigh.... After a while the neigbors were getting tired of sorting through all the stuff the lady wanted to keep. The next door neighbor bought us all Little Ceasar's pizza and some pop. She wouldn't even take any money from us. I think maybe they appreciated the fact that we were not throwing the stuff any old which way. At any rate it was extremely nice of her.
To Be Continued....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nothing New Under the Blue Skies

Work, work, work all day.
Make more money, better pay.

LOL - that's a rhyme I just made up.
Just got back from PT so I am tired~whew!
Making fish tacos, fresh green beans, Waldorf salad for dinner. Oh yeah, and sweet potato chips!
Tomorrow is the "live" eviction. I will report on that tomorrow.
Ok, gotta go back to work.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blue Skies and Butterflies

The saying has been circling in my head all week. It's been such a beautiful week weather wise, plenty of blue skies. Then I saw a few butterflies flitting about. Cool, crisp early mornings, warm days, breezy evenings. Very nice. First day back to school, or first day of school for Sydney, Riley and a few more. I haven't had time to write or much less think because ever since we got back from up north we've been blasted by work. (a good thing I assure you!) We found out we are the number one vendor in our Flint zone now. However, we were already the number one vendor in our Oakland/Livingston zone. So, they've been crankin out the work orders. Need to hire new employees because we just lost 2. Anyone know of anyone who is trustworthy?
Upcoming Events~
Today - Happy 20th Birthday to Katie; age 20!
Wednesday - we are doing a "live" eviction in Howell; exciting!
Wednesday - 2nd class of "financial peace univ." - enjoyed the first class alot
Saturday - Creek homecoming

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bye Bye Beautiful Boyne

View from the top of Avalanche Mt. Lake Charlevoix in B.C.
It was a beautiful weekend weather wise. Mid to upper 70's and lots of sunshine. The water was a bit cool, but that didn't stop us from taking everyone tubing. Took the Sheicks and Bailey's sister Phoebe. We took in the sights and sounds of the last "stroll the streets" in Boyne City and dined at Red Mesa Grill. Went to a classic car show, and climbed Avalanche Mtn. to see the sailboats arrive. (Red Fox Regatta) Had B.C. Pizza, grilled fresh whitefish. Went to the Farmer's market, bought Johnecheck (correct spelling) corn. Ice cream at Kilwins. Some biked up Boyne Mtn. All the way. Then Phoebe tried to follow them and almost bit the dust because she went out to that crazy Deer Lake Rd. Luckily the driver saw her and screeched the brakes. Whew! Scary!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Copycat Sandwich from Dale's Natural Food's

Oh man, this sandwich is sooo good!
Pita bread
red onion
topped with avacado slices
I cannot begin to tell you how good it is. You just have to make one, right now! That's what I did and now I'm eatin it! Then I'm goin to PT to punish my body.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Packing to Go Up North and Other Things

Doing laundry so I can pack. Leaving tomorrow for Boyne, yea! Supposed to be nice weather, yea! Taking Sarah's cousins Mike, Chris and T. (Trenton) I'm going to be doing some vicious driving of the boat. There will be plenty of whuppins! Then the farmers market on Sat. with some good ole "Johhnychec" corn--yumm.
Other Things~ While I'm thinking about it~ getting a start on my Christmas list.
Christmas list:
flat iron
Sonycard for my book reader
MP -3 Music card
TEA POT - not the one you pour in your nose when you have a cold. ha ha
Expensive warm sweater from LLB; the one in the cataloug
work out clothes - SIZE L :)
CHIA herb garden
That bump thing you put in your hair to make a beehive hairdo tee hee, jk
food processor
Not much, this year; really...