About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Whats That Bright Star Next to the Moon?

In case you didn't know I'm a bit of a weather and astonomy buff. So, here is some cool stuff.
On Thursday night, March 25, many people may look up at the sky and ask the question, "What's that bright star next to the moon?"
The answer for Thursday night is Mars, but that answer changes night by night as the moon travels along the ecliptic, the path the sun, moon and planets follow across the sky. If you ask the question again on Monday night, March 29, the answer will be the ringed planet Saturn. This will be your last chance to get a good look at Mars until it approaches the Earth again in 2012

1 comment:

Unknown said...

VEEERy Interesting!