About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday HodgePodge ~ 1/25/2012

1. Have you ever been ‘asked’ to report for jury duty? Were you chosen to serve? If not, were you happy or disappointed?
Yes, twice.  I was not chosen.  I was very disappointed.  I would love to be on a jury and be a part of the legal process.  Just once.  How come the people who want to be chosen are not; and the people who don NOT want to be chosen: are.

2. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being very), how mechanically inclined are you? Give an example to back up your answer.

Not, not, no not.  Maybe 3.  I get all jumbled up.  I am WAYYY to impatient.  That it gets in the way of simple tasks.  For example opening lids, screwing in screws, putting the vacuum peices back on the vacuum, etc...

3. Beets-cabbage-cauliflower-butternut squash….of the four, which is your favorite fall vegetable?

Um, probably cabbage.  but i do like the rest also.  Love cabbage and sausage, or cabbage and corned beef.

4. What do you recommend to overcome self-pity?
Get involved in a project that takes the focus off of yourself.  Focus on someone else.

5. Do you enjoy classical music?

Yes, some of it.  I probably have a few favorite peices.Jesu Joy is one of them.    I also enjoy fuges.    AND Handel's Messiah.

6. October is National Book Month…what’s on your reading list this month?
I plan to start the latest Janet E. book in FLA or the latest Sue Grafton novel.

7. What is your idea of ‘cute’?
Kids!  Kids are so so so cute!  All of them.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Nada.  My brain is mush.


Unknown said...

Just discovered Janet E. Wasn't this a Way Back Wednesday from October? Good idea to use one you haven't used. Feeling any better?

Kathy said...

Yes, I swiped it from Capri K. Yes and no with the feeling better.