About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Birthday Dinner Rescued

Homemade lasagna, garlic bread with homemade garlic butter, salad and a birthday cake. Katie and Richie were supposed to come over to celebrate Richie's birthday, but had to cancel because Richie's sister is in the hospital to give birth. The Renee's graciously accepted an invitation to dinner. The dinner got "killed" and even Evan seemed to like the lasagna. He's kind of a picky eater. I was very impressed when after dinner the kids got up without direction and cleared their dishes. We had a good time (as we always do) with the Renee's.


Renee said...

AAAWWW! You are so nice to the Renee's. They must be keepers..But who could ever pass up a free dinner with such wonderful neighbors, A? I'm sure the Renee's are very thankfull. LOL

Renee said...

The Renee's are very thankful, Thank you so much..Hope this doesn't confuse anyone.