About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Learned Something new Today

I learned that not all carbs are processed the same in my body. I need to check the GI, or Glycemic Index.
What is the Glycemic Index?
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce onWhat are the Benefits of the Glycemic Index?
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise ly small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss.

Low GI Foods are less than 55 on the GI chart. I went to the following web page to check out low GI foods . http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/lowglycemicfoodlist.htm So now I have a new challenge. ~ cooking with foods that are low GI.
Why all the buzz about all this? I went to the Dr. and my blood sugars are sky high. I'm now considered high risk for heart disease. So I'm trying to change my habits. I see I have messed up pretty bad. Even with the new meds my sugars are only S-l-o-w-l-y going down. Let's see if the low GI foods make a difference. Back to the ole grocery store.


Kristen said...

That is so great you are researching this so much, that is very interesting findings! I will be praying for you!

Unknown said...

I am also proud of you. I need to do this diet and you are giving me lots of information. The carb thing is so important.