About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Old Man Winter is NOT So Old

Winter arrived fierce and furious yesterday. Many of you probably stayed in your PJ's and just snuggled into your blankies, right? Well we had the "Rush" family Christmas. Sarah's mom's family. I made "Buckeyes" in honor of Grandma, who passed away earlier this year. They were a big hit - we didn't have any to bring back home. This year the plan was to do something "fun." We all had tickets to Crossroads Village & the Huckleberry railroad. We arrived about 6:00 p.m. after fighting the wind and drifts across the roads. We jumped out of the car and ran into the village. It was so deserted there was no one to even take the tickets. We quickly ran to the first building that provided shelter from the wind. It was still whipping around like crazy. After everyone arrived we headed over to the train station to board the train. We jumped, danced and sang to keep warm while waiting for the train to turn around! We quickly boarded and soon found out the windows were iced over. How were we going to see the lights? Everyone did their own method. Breathing, scraping, rubbing, thank goodness no one decided to stick their tongue to the window. The train was quite warm, at least for the first little while. We had our own train car, with 20 some people. I think all the body heat kept us warm. We sang along with the "canned" Christmas music. After we got back to the station someone decided that we should all head over to the building with the Reindeer. After taking pictures we ran back to the closest building to warm again. That was it! I was done for. We left soon after. When we got home I soaked in a hot tub for a bit. That was probably the coldest experience I've ever had.


Unknown said...

I have the chills just reading this!!!

Renee said...

I want some buckeyes, I miss thou's.
Burr, what a yuckie night for the village, run into any V.I.'s. Get it. He he JK!

Kathy said...

Maybe Santa will leave some buckeyes in your stocking. No VI's, wait I think we were the VI's.

Magnoliawhispers said...

now that is friggin cold! You were brave to even go out.