About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, December 29, 2008

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Black Beans
How many of these did you eat today? I had yogurt & walnuts. 2 out of 8, not so good I guess. Can you imagine eating spinach or black beans every day?
Here is a great recipe using black beans tomatoes:
dice 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 cloves garlic, 1 yellow pepper, and 1 mango. Mix in a can of black beans and garnish with 1/2 chop chopped cilantro & juice from a lime.
I have all the above mentioned ingredients, I just may make some of that tomorrow.


Magnoliawhispers said...

oh I think I'm allergic to mangos.
Walnuts and blueberries are soooo expensive!

Kathy said...

right, especially to eat every day?

Kristen said...

yep, that's why I get all that plus more everyday in my juiced whole fruits and veggies, incapsulated into a pill!

Unknown said...

Jan-don't touch a mango. You are allergic. I had yogurt today-not feeling so good.