About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Got The House To Myself

Wait, what else is new? Wish we had a (real) fire place.

I would curl up like Bay right in front of it. Everyone is gone, working at a job ($4000) in Grand Blanc. Hopefully they finish with that one today! So much work. Sarah has 2 employees now. Probably might could even use another one. Katie & Richie usually work on Fridays too. It's kind of sad the number of foreclosed homes, though. The economy is so bad right now. My brother-in-law just got laid off and a good friend of the Renee's got laid off yesterday. Hard times.

I'm catching up on billing (what else is new?) and picking up the house and then I'll make dinner. Chicken and Rice with brussel spouts. A recipe I found on, allrecipes.com I use that website alot! We used to call them "Russell sprouts." Went to Meijers and got some fresh veggies. I love their produce department. Along with the brussel sprouts I also got, fresh beets, mini cukes, sweet potatoes, & mushrooms. Oh yeah, and a piece of ginger. I can only eat fresh veggies, I hate canned or frozen anymore. I'm also watching Steel Magnolias. I remember watching this the first time at the theatre with Karen. We were laughing and crying at the same time. Some lady in the front row was sobbing so loudly that it made us laugh, even during the sad time.


Unknown said...

I do not like Russell sprouts!! But I am going to try out the fresh dept. at Meijers. Haven't been there in years.

Magnoliawhispers said...

i love russell sprouts but they make the house smell really nasty

Kathy said...

yes, the house does smell really nasty tonight. But, I doctored them with butter, brown sugar, nutmeg, allspice and walnuts. They were actually very good.