About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Busy Couple of Days

In fact it's been so crazy right now I'm drinking out of 2 different water bottles! One on the right side of my desk and one on the left side. Went to the old stomping grounds on Tues. to set up my sister's digital frame. Did that, went to Barnes and Noble w/Karen & kids. Ate spaghetti for dinner, Chef D's famous pancakes for breakfast. Got 2 kisses from Brady. Watched Dr. Oz (2 shows) moved pics to a hard drive, and left the book there that I bought at B & N. Came home, went out to a couple of jobs. Made dinner, went walking at the MS, picked up Mr. B from his groomer appointment. Whew.
Got up today, tried to put out a few fires (not literal) went to Kinkos, Grocery, Bank and Library. Did some more work. Gave G-boy a bottle, changed his diaper, picked up Syd and Evan, ate snack with Syd. Made dinner. Babysat for Brayden. Whew, enough already! Oh yeah, I tried to sign up for the Dr. Oz 11 week program and they are supposed to send a password by e-mail, but so far I have not received that. AND I played a bit of Bejeweled ~ in first place so far.


Unknown said...

Whew! That made me tired. Book will be on it's way home tomorrow. Slow down....you're moving too fast-ya gotta make the morning last. Thanks again. I know, you will work for food, gifts, etc. No password yet? So maybe they are behind because the website is overwhelmed!! So I guess I will wait to sign up?

Unknown said...

The book was mailed yesterday. Hope you get it today.