About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Quick Trip

Up and back to beautiful Boyne County. It rained pretty much the whole time and was pretty darn cold. Maybe high of 45. bRrRrR. Did a few chores to get things "winterized." Had an invigorating trip to the Petosky area. Went to Bill's Farm Market for some fall variety type squash. Had a hot spicy beverage at Roast & Toast. Ate a deliciouso lunch at Park City Grill. Window shopped all the interesting little shops. Browsed the bookstore and bought a couple of books. I bought , The GI Diet Clinic. A 13 week plan for permanent and healthy weight Loss, by Rick Gallop. Following a low GI (Glycemic Index) diet is great for diabetics. So back on the ole bandwagon I go. I really want/need to make these changes for life. I've been NOT following my plan lately and have been feeling puffy and slugish.


Unknown said...

Too bad the sun wasn't out. Nice pics anyway. Thanks for the book name and author. Might give this one a try.

Renee said...

isn't is weird how you get after not eating healthy. I've been saying the same thing to myself but so much has been going on lately it has been hard to get back. You know how it feels when you are healthy and that is good that you want it back..