About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mid-Winter Blues

or is it Blah's. Whichever, I wish it would go away. Tired of the snow and cold. And all the up and down temperatures are giving me a daily headache. Yesterday, was a major couch potato day. I think I watched TV for 12 hours. Didn't want to move. So I didn't really. Weather man said we got another 4 inches. Well, at least February is almost over!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbits 2-22-11

I don't know what to tell ya. I'm missing Fla.; wishing I was still there. Especially in light of this new storm. Which we probably got as much or more snow than the infamous "Snowmazilla." LOL. I guess I will bore you with answers to some randomness.

1. Your favorite Chocolate treat?
Um, I'm not a chocolate freak or anything, but I do love a brownie with vanilla ice-cream and HOT fudge poured over the top.

2. What more than anything makes you feel loved.
Random act of kindness I suppose. A gift out of the blue, a back rub, someone else making dinner without me asking. A phone call to see how I am. Etc...

3. Cherries or blueberries?
I Like both, but I love a cherry pie or crisp. My mom used to make them for me. Oh, I like cherries out of the jar, and just picked cherries off the tree.

4. What is the one trait you would most want the leader of your country to possess?
To be a Christian and follow God's laws, and to not be a politician. LOL

5. Are you a saver or a spender?
I'm kind of both. Depends on who's money I'm spending. I freak out about having enough money to pay bills, so I save. But, if I have a wad of money I can think of lots of things to spend it on.. However, I do waffle back and forth before coming out with the dough. So, I'm a SAVER. Whew, that was rough.

6. If you gave a party for all of your friends would they already know each other?
They would have at least heard about each other. I don't have allot of friends...

7. Are you interested in antiques?
Yes, but mostly family heirlooms.

8. Do you pick your nose in public? ha ha ha I added this one.

I'll never tell.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


When I'm in Florida I'm always stalking the Pelicans. Ever since the first time I went to Florida, I've thought they were the coolest birds I've ever seen. They're just so different than anything we have here in Michigan, or the Midwest. This year was no different; I took lots of pictures of the Pelicans, and watched them any time I was near the water. They're always diving and swooping for their food. We saw a lot of them when we went on the Jet Ski Dolphin Tour. Which was quite awesome I must admit.

Pelicans are large birds with large pouched bills.Pelicans swim well with their short, strong legs and their feet with all four toes webbed The tail is short and square, with 20 to 24 feathers. The wings are long and have the unusually large number of 30 to 35 secondary flight feathers. A layer of special fibers deep in the breast muscles can hold the wings rigidly horizontal for gliding and soaring. Thus they can exploit thermals to commute over 150 km (100 miles) to feeding areas.[1]

Pelicans rub the backs of their heads on their preen glands to pick up their oily secretion, which
they transfer to their plumage to waterproof it.[1]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Way Back Whens-Day

I know, I have stolen the idea from my sister. But, sometimes a good idea is just that. Besides, I think she pilfered it from someone else anyway. I was going through some pictures a couple of weeks ago and found this one. I thought, ah-ha a perfect pic for "Way Back Whens' Day. This is my brother and his family quite a long time ago. The kids are WAY older now. Just thought it was so cute. This was taken up north at "the cottage."

Here is a preview pic from Nicole's Grad pics taken on the same tree ~ many years later. Okay, so I just looked again, don't think it's the same tree ~ they are not going in the same direction. Must be on the other side.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stop and Smell the Snowflakes

:) So much going on, I almost forgot. Really enjoyed the sunshine and warmth of yesterday and today. It's nice to come back from Fla. and not have to deal with so much freezing weather. Oh BTW, for my adoring fans: I decided to take a "lesser" part in the play. Dealing with so much and I was crazed to think about memorizing all those lines. So, if people decide not to attend I will understand. It's still going to be good plus a good dinner; so come if you want to; would love to see you all. Been running around doing lots of errands, housework, office work etc...
There are so many little projects I need to start. How does one accomplish all that? I wanted to make prints of some of my bird pictures, fla. pictures. Will I ever get to that? I need a vacation for my vacation!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

One Dream of Mine

I've had this dream for a while now, about opening up a kind of alternative restaurant. It would be "healthy" food. For all types of diets. Vegan, Vegetarian, Low sodium, low fat, gluten free, diabetic. You get the picture right? Tonight during dinner we started listing some of my "signature" dishes.
The following is a list of some of the dishes we came up with:
pork roast with cranberry sauce with roasted red skinned potatoes
Mom's spaghetti
vegetarian pizza on the grill ~ homemade wheat dough
salmon patties
fish tacos
oriental patties on rice
white chicken chili
fruit smoothies
peanut butter/chocolate smoothie
omelette's (egg white)
pork chops with Dijon mustard sauce
stuffed mushrooms
taco salad
stuffed pepper - meat or vegetarian
vegetable soup
WW cabbage soup

Friday, February 11, 2011

Back and (un) Loving It

Thrown back into the home life! YIKES!! Spent last night cuddling with RJ, that was nice. But this morning was a duezy. Had to dig the trailers out (both of them were buried in a foot of snow.) That was not fun. I had to drop one off and pick back up. That always blows my day. Trying to un- pack, (Packing is so much more fun) wash, grocery shop, all the usual. Niki's shower is tomorrow, so gotta wrap stuff and shop. Geesh, maybe I should plan a few extra vaca days just to unwind! Then on top of it all I have a headache. Probably not a good time to try and back off the caffeine. Plus, I'm thinking the change in weather. Even tho it is a whopping 25 degrees. LOL All in a Day's Work. Happy Birthday to my niece-o-pher, Kristen. Hope she's having a great day. Hope they're not still burrowed under all that s-n-o-w in Chi-town.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Pink Shell Resort and Spa

Man o man. Sometimes when you book a place sight unseen, you're not too sure how it's going to end up. I did right this time. It's kinda swanky, but not too much that you feel uncomfortable. Nice place, on the 4th floor with gulf view. There's an outdoor bar and grill, an inside restaurant. Breakfast included. We'll see how that is tomorrow a.m. 3 pools, one deep, one kinda regular and one for wading. You wear a bracelet that is your room key and gets you into the pools and everything else on the property. It's almost like an "all inclusive" joint. Tomorrow we are going on a dolphin sighting tour on jet ski's. Might just have to visit the "spa" when we return. I think I'm finally starting to relax! Oh yeah, they even put stamps on the "free" postcards for ya.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Most Beeee-u-tiful Day

Got up, walked to the local Mickey Dee's in Ft. Myers Beach. Ordered (free) oatmeal and an iced latte. Took it outside, ate across from the ocean. ahhhhh. Drove to Bradenton. Had lunch on the pier by the beach. Ahhhhhh. Walked the pier with the cute lil girls. Hung around and just enjoyed the 78 dgs. temp. Now, making homemade pizza on the grill and awaiting the blueberry martini's. Ahhhhhhh!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Way Back Whens - Day

This is a picture from one year when I went down to Florida (not sure what year) to visit mom and dad. Perhaps my sister who is so good with times and such could come up with an approximate year. We would often go and visit a wonderful dear older friend of my mom and dad's; Sadie L. She passed away quite some time ago. She always loved to visit with us. She had a beautiful condo overlooking the bay. Can't quite believe mom's been gone six years now. Can't say I look forward to Ground Hog's day anymore.

Mom's favorite Psalm:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I don't want the BIG EVENT, at least not right now. I know everyone is excited bout snow days an all, but I want to get on my airplane on THURSDAY to Fort Myers. Waaaaaa! I'm so trying NOT to stress out about it. Tried to get out of here on a flight for this morning but they're already all booked out. Crap, should have tried yesterday. Could they give the thing any more hype, I ask you? Man the Kroger parking lot was slammed last night when we drove by on the way to play practice. Which is moving along quite nicely, I might add. We practiced on stage last night which really helps alot. Last year we didn't get on stage until about 2 weeks before the big night.