About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Blue Skies & Suneshiney Kind of Day

Got up early to set up the day and see the "boys" off. Took Niki to her ACT practice test location. Went to the Hollywood diner for an egg white & veg omelette. Stopped at Wallyworld to pick up some things. Heard an advert. on the radio for the Flint Farmer's market, so we headed back downtown. Bought 1 piece of baklava & split it. Got some baby cukes to make cuke Thai salad for dinner tonite. Got a cute gift for someones birthday that is coming up. Decided to make pizza for lunch so went back down Corunna Rd. to VG's. Picked up some ingredients for the pizza. Came home made some awesome pizza. Thanks to Von R.K. in Florida we now know how to make REAL pizza. Sarah worked on ACT ii with me. I know 1/2 of Act ii, need to get going; need to know the whole act by Monday. Called "Your IT", they are getting some refurb laptops in on Monday. $289 and with Win XP: just what we need. So, the old laptop will be handed down to me. Yea!! Now I am watching "Dances with Wolves" and waiting for the boys to get back. Then I'm going to take a bath, work on the play some more and then make Pad Thai for dinner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a full day!! Chef Donaldo wants the secret to the pizza; so if you could send an email.......