About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Hodgepodge

1. The Hodgepodge falls on the last day of February this year, a leap year. How will you spend that extra day?
Nothing different; that's for sure.

2. What has recently required a leap of faith on your part?
I don't know really.

3. We’re one week into the season of Lent…are you marking these 40 days in some way? Giving something up or adding something extra to normal life? How’s it going so far?
No, I've never really done that or understand why people even do that.  Growing up I remember all the catholic people that I know had to give up sweets, or chips, or stuff like that.  I don't even think they knew why they did it.

4. When was the last time you sat beside a fire?
We had a couple bonfires this fall.  I love bonfires in the fall.  Ahh, the smell of logs burning.  And there is just something magical about the flames dancing.  Besides, many times in the summer we had bonfires camping.  One of my favorites was with my neicopher and her kids.  We had a blast making smores in the fire.

5. Surf and Turf is on the menu. Do you order as is or do you ask for just the surf (lobster), just the turf (steak), or a menu so you can select another option?
Would normally get the surf.  But, I do love Surf  & Turf.  I just can't eat all that!

6. If you could have any television program back, not in reruns but in new episodes, what program would you choose?
I can't even think of any.  See #7!  ha ha  Maybe Lost.  or Jericho.

7. They say an elephant never forgets. These days would you say your memory is more like an elephant or a gnat?
Oh my word.  gnat for sure.  I can't remember stuff at all.  Worrisome!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I can't wait for warmer weather.  I'll be taking the lil man outside to play and walk and swing, and the park, and, and...


Karen said...

awwww....one of my favorite campfires too! or did you just say that so you would get a comment out of me?? just kidding...

btw...i need your help with some song lyrics. "shut de door, keep out de devil, shut de door, keep de devil in the ni-ight" please tell me YOU taught me this song!!

Kathy said...

Um, well, um. JK. It's on the top five all great campfire list. Plus, I was hoping to get a response. LOL
yep, i think so. One year at girls camp @ Bair Lake the leader (who was African American) taught us that. I think.

Karen said...

do you know the rest of the words?

Unknown said...

I would like "Wonder Years" and "Dr Quinn" to come back....even reruns would be nice.