About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Obsessed with Cardinals

Yep, that's me. I just love em. They twitter in and twitter out. Don't stay long at the feeder at all. They are different shades of red and all different sizes. I even bought a Cardinal sweatshirt to wear on Christmas Eve. I take all kinds of pictures of them; trying to outdo the ones from the day before. Need a longer telephoto lens I'm thinkin. Although this is not too bad since it's at the back of the lot where the woods begin. Just me at home waiting for the 3rd day in a row for the ADT man to come. They did something wrong and jammed up the home line. Need to get here soon since I still need to do my holiday grocery shopping! Krogers is bound to be a mad house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great picture. You are as good as me ha ha. Everytime a cardinal sits on the deck rail, I grab my camera, but he is gone. I need to just sit and watch with the camera. Good job. Have fun at Kroger; yuck!