About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Must Be Gettin Old

It took me way longer than the usual to change my blog template this time. It kept reverting back to the old background. Finally, I realized that the old template was still "on." Yikes! Not like I have a million things to do today or anything. It's been a whirlwind around here. Had to go clean out a "hoarder" house and that took a long time. I'm going to be making a photo album and then I'll send it to whoever wants to see it! :) When I have a spare moment that is.

Close call last night. Sarah's mom & dad were driving back from Holland (MI) hauling a large tractor when they got rear ended. The fishtailed, rolled 4 or 5 times and ended up right-side up in the median. Thank goodness it was a large wide median; apparently they were close to the other side of x-way. They are both okay, bruised and bumped but Thank God nothing more. Got them checked out at hosp. last nite. Let them go around 12:30 a.m.

RJ is getting big and a little chunky. He is 3 weeks old. I get to see him almost every day. Nicole is almost 6 mos. and starting to show a lil baby bump. She found out she is having a boy; and is talking about naming him Payton Russell Terry. That's a mouth full. Work is good; lots of it. Wow, I'm using lots of semi-colons today. HA. Hope you enjoy the Christmas muzak while you read.

Anyone who says "Easy as taking candy from a baby" has never tried it.

Author Unknown


Unknown said...

Wow great that Sara's parents are okay. That would be one scary accident. Glad to see you blogging again. Missed it.

Unknown said...

P.S. The cartoon is hilarious! I need a copy of it.

Unknown said...

P.S.S. I LOVE you Christmas playlist. Do you have a separate one. How do you do that? Just make a new one?