About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, August 25, 2008

New Post

How funny that my last post about stuffed peppers caused such a ruckus !
Well I've been busy getting ready for Niki's "Sweet Sixteen" party. We had several H.S. age teens over Saturday night. They were supposed to have a bonfire but that got rained out. So they had a massive shaving cream fight instead. (I'll attach the pictures when Renee has some spare time to send them to me) Then they ate massive amounts of pizza and cake. After that they went downstairs and just messed around with the air-hockey and basketball net.
Yesterday was clean up and rest up after the party. I read a book- finished it too! Dinner was easy, Chicken, potatoes, and carrots in the crockpot. Tonight, chicken nachos for Niki's birthday. After she goes to volleyball practice and assistant coaching soccer with Renee that is. If time we'll go shopping for the digital camera she wants for her B.D. gift.


Renee said...

Got your Picture's?

Magnoliawhispers said...

please come to my house and cook

Kathy said...

No and No

Unknown said...

No come and cookk at MY house.

Kathy said...

nothing fancy today, just fresh garden homemade marinara spaghetti.

Unknown said...

Stop with the fresh garden homemade blah blah blah. You are making us all jealous!!!!

Renee said...

What ever it's just Ragu!!