I was told I was being taken to The French Laundry in Fenton today. Day late birthday breakfast. I willingly dragged myself out of bed to go. Oh, and we might as well do 2 quick jobs after that. Ate a delicious leisurely breakfast of scrambled eggs with mushrooms and Maytag blue cheese, a warm croissant and glass of passion tea. All is right with the world. Go to the first job, a quick lawn mow. All I have to do is take pictures and blow the grass off the walk and driveway. Easy, peasy. Now on to the place that we were at on Sunday. Just need to install a sump pump & get a little debris. Again all I have to do is take the pictures. Hour and a half later we are still there. I'm browsing through my new magazine, Organic Farmer's Market. I then am asked if I would like to "put on the water boots and squeegee some water in the basement. Sure why not. Get down to the basement. Yikes. A wet mess. The boots and floor=very slippery! Pushing the squeegee= extremely slippe
Very muggy, no air=very miserable. Came home and mowed the back lawn. (at least I had the riding mower) Needless to say, I took an hour nap and still have barely moved off the couch.
It all sounds yucky except for the breakfast and the nap :)
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