About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Throwback Dinners

For some reason lately I've been making comfort food "throwback" dinners.  A couple weeks ago I made corned beef hash with the left over St. Patrick's Day corned beef.  And last night I made chicken and dumplings.  Both are something I rarely ever make.  What's up with that?  Tonight's planned dinner is beef w/gravy over noodles.  Huh.  Some kind of weird streak.  Maybe it's because I'm trying to make food that the little guy can eat.  He sure loves my cooking!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Eastern Redbud

What?  My Eastern Redbud is blooming in March?  Crazy.  All this HOT weather we're having.  I know we are all enjoying the "summer-like" temps. but I wonder if it's going to put nature out of balance.  In fact I heard yesterday that the fruit flies havn't had time to hatch properly and that it might affect the growing season of some fruits.  The fruit might be tiny or hard.  And then what happens if we get a freeze?  Yikes.  Plus all the severe weather that some states are experiencing.  So while we're all enjoying the nice warm days; keep others' circumstances in mind.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Man, I'm all out of whack!  Not on my regular schedule at all - and it's kind of making me crazy.  I simply hate the time change.  My sleeping is off, my eating is off.  I'm not babysiting is this week, so my whole schedule is just OFF!
We've been running back and forth between work and Sarah's grandma's house - she took a turn for the worse 2 weeks ago.  Saturday, after struggling with breathing (her heart ) she passed away about 5:00 p.m.  The visititation is tomorrow; funeral on Wed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh How The Winds Do Blow

The temp is supposed to reach 52 degrees today.........  However the wind is a brisk 20 - 30 mph, making the temp feel oh so much colder.  What is that saying about March?  " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb."  Tomorrow we're supposed to hit 60 degrees.  We shall see!  Maybe I will take the boy (s) for a walk tomorrow.  Well, that should be interesting.  A lively 3 yr old into the mix.  Check my Creative Cooking blog for a new recipe!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Afternoon Tea & Crumpet

It's a bit blustery today even though the sun does poke out now and then.  I just felt like having a spot of tea and something a little sweet.  I chose green tea and a Nature Valley Granola Thin.  Just right to hit the spot.  90 calories and a bit sweet/salty since it was a peanut butter granola.
That's all ~ gotta run!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's March, Yay, It's March, Yay...

Keep repeating frequently!  I am waiting for warmer weather so I can take Boo outside.  I think he will like that.  I want to start walking and riding and wait ~ just sitting in the sun!  Good ole Feb. kind of flew by for me.  Being in FLORIDA for 12 whole days certainly did help allot. 
Now it's time to start planning the big birthday bash for the little guy.  Pared the guest list down to about 40 people (from 57)  Yikes!  Thank goodness it is NOT going to be held here at the house.  We will be holding it at JoJo's club house. 
That's all for now.