About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Rest For the Weary

Work Work all day long ~ sounds like a country song. Hey wait a minute, it is! I scammed out of going back to the eviction house today. Didn't feel good. Neighbors woke me up. Drunk and laying in the yard.. Might be funny if it didn't keep me up. (No NOT the Renees.) Thankfully the peeps took at least 2/3 of their junk.( from the evict house) We saw pictures that an inspector took a couple days ago. I will stay here and keep plugging away at getting the accounts up to date.
Looking forward to the FPU class tonight. Financial Peace Univ. by Dave Ramsey. I highly reccommend it for anyone who feels frustrated by:
  • not having cash on hand
  • not having a savings account (with actual money in it!)
  • not having a $1000 emergency fund
  • having debt: small or major
  • not having a 3 mos expenses account for when stuff happens

It's really enjoyable, you watch a dvd and then discuss with the people in a small group. People who messed up with their money, just like you. It's really an eye opening experience~especially regarding that six letter work; CREDIT.

Here is an excerpt: Imagine... Having absolutely no debt--no car payments, no credit card payments, not even a house payment. How would it feel to actually get to keep your money instead of mailing it out to a dozen creditors month after month?

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Renee said...

WHAT?? Why you keeping stories from me? OO maybe because I haven't been out lately, I think I'm trying to fight off something. Been super sleepy and last night had bad headache even woke with it this morning, took kids to school and went back to sleep...Need the old me back...urg..

Unknown said...

Sounds great to me; I mean the FPU. Not the evict. and peeps involved or the drunk peeps that kept you awake. Feel better.

Magnoliawhispers said...

glad it wasn't you out on the lawn:)