About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

All In The Past

  This is my post from Sept. 29, 2007
Number Three

Surgery that is. In a 13 month time span that is. The Doc says my gall bladder must come out. Soon! Very Soon! I many small gallstones and apparently I am passing them. So he is afraid they might get lodged. Going to see surgeon on Tuesday. Can you believe it? My body is falling apart. I'm just trying to catch up to Marlene, HA! So, I guess it's a no big deal surgery, but it's just the whole process of getting the surgery.  (every time I have to write down my surgeries i forget the date.  Now I at least know what year they were!)  See, blogs are good for something.  )

Here is the one from 2010:
Weighty Matters ~ Week 3

Minus 2.6 lbs and total WL of 4.6 It's a start down the long and winding road. Dude on Biggest Loser lost 41 lbs. this week. Yikes! That sounds scary. It barely made a dent tho cuz he was over 400 lbs. Today's focus at the WW meeting was about how to shop smarter at the grocery store. Come on, is there any more smarter shopper than I? I could've guest taught the lecture. LOL I will look for some way in which to improve. You have to look at the total picture especially the fiber.
Upcoming Events:
Going to the Northville Farmer's Market with my sistopher
Getting my hairs cut
Garage sale this weekend
Going camping next weekend ~ FALL COLORS!
(hmmm, interesting. ~ oh and almost had a GS this weekend, but the weather is too crapy.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?

I like both really.  Beans in both.  Spice in both.  Cheese and crackers on the red.  Cheese, cilantro and tortilla chips on the whte.

2. Red~Orange~Gold…your favorite fall color?

Love the fall colors.  Love fall.  Probably orange.

3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?
John-boy Walton?  My sister?  Betsey Ross?  Clara Barton?  I guess I  didn't.

4. When was the last time you did something ‘arts and craftsy’? Share please.

Um, hmmm.  I can't even remember.  I guess that would be scrap booking.  That's not really a word is it?

5. What’s a place that makes you really nervous?

Tall bridges. Yikes.  the doctor's.  Hospitals. I once drove over the Golden Gate by myself.

6. Horse back riding…yay or nay (neigh?)
. Used to like it, but not so much anymore.  Once took a horseback ride in the Mountains in Gatlinbur.

7. What is your favorite cliche?
Time flies when you're having fun. Time is money.  Hmm.      Maybe I am obsesed with time.  YIKES.  So maybe "The acorn doesn't fall far from the treeeeee." ................

8. Insert your own random thought here.
blank here.

Thanks for stopping by, see you next Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My stress echo test came back positive.  I had to meet with the Dr. today to discuss the results.  Of course he scheduled a new test.  Another type of stress test.  There is a possibility that I have the begining of a small blockage.  Yikes!  Time to stop messing around with the whole diabetes thing.  Ya think?  Been very busy, thus no blogging.  I had to go out to work the nasty houses for a few days.  And even mowing.  blah.  Grass everywhere.  So........... I'm not real chatty just now.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blue Skies Here In The North

Decided to go up to Tawas for the weekend.  Weather man said it would be a bit more sunny north of the Tri's.  Should've taken the rag-top.  It's sunny and pretty warm.  Especially after all the clouds, cool & rainy weather we've been having.  Thinking about going canoeing.  There is a Triathelon competition here this weekend.  Darn, I should have enrolled in that.  NOT.  Just gonna mostly chill.  Brought a couple books.  Love to just sit and look at the water.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

So, Yeah I Couldn't Resist

It was a price too good to be true.  I keep getting stuck at home without a vehicle.  And well you know.  I have wanted a Mustang, probably since I was a kid.  My brother had an awesome Red one when he first started driving.  I thought it was so cool.  It's probably gonna turn out to be a gas hog, and well it's not real smart to have a ragtop in Michigan.  But again, the price was right.  It's in very good shape.  It was hard to sell because it's a 5 speed.  Kids today can't even drive those.  But, I can!  It will be fun!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is It All Down Hill From Here?

Weather wise?  You never know.  We went from near 100 degrees to only 60 degrees in the span of about 48 hours.  So, we could still have some warm day.  Not sure so much the nights.  Just got back from the Third Annual Labor Day Camping Trip at Myers Lake.  Didn't do a thing on Saturday because it was just too darn hot!  Had a couple storms, mild in nature and a bit of rain.  Got back yesterday early because it was just too darn cold!  LOL.  Felt sorry for the people in tents.  Did my grocery shopping for the week, then chilled out and watched a movie in the evening.  Today, it's just Peyter and me for a couple hours while Nicole goes to school and fixes her schedule and finds her classrooms @ Mott.  Nothing special this week; just going to try and catch up on all the work I've been neglecting.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Day Late And A Dollar Short

Wednesday Hodgepodge (Ok, So Thursday)

1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or did we just become more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?

I think maybe we just became more aware of the danger.  That was very personal to many people and was maybe even more horrific because we watched it on live TV and then again repeatedly in reruns.  It affected us in other ways, air safety, foreign travel etc.  I flew to Nashville later that year and there were armed guards at the airport.  That was pretty weird.  I think I am more jumpy now when I fly or travel and now think twice about traveling to certain areas, like Washington DC, New York and overseas.

2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight?

Ah, maybe yes a little.  But I think they did the best they could under the circumstances.  My dad was an only child raised by really strict christians and my mom lost her mother at age 12 or 13.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.

I like to be in charge; nuff said?

4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?
Uh, pretty sure WAY far too complicated.  One never knows when I'm going to be nice or have an explosion.  ha ha

5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
Nachos with halepeno's.  Hot dog at the ball park.

6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which event do you think would be the scariest?

Tornado came close thrice.  Like in the basement under the table.  couple blocks away.  or in the hospital ~ out in the hall with all the patients they moved (beds) into the hallway.  Couple streets away.  Or with the school kids in the hallway, arms over our heads.  Again couple streets away.  But, NEVER actually been through one.  Hurricane would freak me out ~ all that flooding.  Earthquake would freak me out.  I freaked out last week when I felt the tremors in Cleveland from the one on the East Coast.  I thought it was me, so I had a HUGE panic attack.

7. Labor Day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
Yes, I had chores.  Dishes every night.  Clear and Clean-Up.  or Rinse and Load.  Clean the bathroom and my room every Saturday.  I don't remember being paid.  But, I'm glad I had those because I think it made me appreciate being neat and clean.  I'm a bit freakish about it, but "hey."  Yes, kids had chores.  They need responsibilities.