About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Summer’s here-whoohoo! What’s your favorite sight, sound, AND smell associated with summer?
Sight - The sun.          Sound - birds chirping, cicadas buzzing.              Smell - campfire smoke

2. Fireflies or lightning bugs…what are they called in your neck of the woods?
Lightning bugs for sure!

3. What is something from the past week that reminded you of your childhood?
Mowing the lawn on the riding mower.

4. Define ‘the good life’.
Living one day at a time.  Wow, like that's easy.  Being thankful for what you have and not complaining about what you don't.  Not comparing your life to others'.  Being thankful period.  Having a positive spin on things. wow, like that's easy too.  LOL

5. Tell us what we’d see if you took a snapshot of your desk/work space?
Yikes, right now there are stacks of paper everywhere.  Boxes, E-Bay stuff.  The office is a mess, and I hate that.
6. Peaches or watermelon…yes, you have to choose.

7. Ever been skinny dippin’? Is that too much for the Wednesday Hodgepodge? Rest assured we won’t need details…unless of course you feel you must but remember, this is a family friendly blog so keep it G rated.
No way.  All that free flopin?  nope.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I love summer!  But, I love spring and fall more.  Love the green everywhere.  Love the beautiful colors of flowers and birds.  Love to go camping - that is a summer only event.  When I was a kid I loved going to summer camp - the highlight of the year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL on the skinny dipping.