About Me

My photo
The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 30 ~ The Last Day of The Month

As overheard on the news.  Wow, is June really over?  Seems like it has just begun.  I'd like to see the stats on how many days the temp reached over 70 degrees?  Why am I watching the news?  It's just one "Bad News" story after another.
What Is July?
  • Independence Day
  • Fire Works
  • Summer Swelter
  • Camping Trips
  • Birthdays (mine and many others)
  • Outdoor dining
  • Tubing (add to my wish list)
  • Biking
  • Boating
  • Endless watering of flowers
  • Ahhhhh!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Time Flies

Seems like it anyways.  Peyton is 12 weeks and starting on rice cereal.  Hoping that helps the massive spit up situation.  He's asleep right now while I'm catching up.  Sarah & Nik are returning all the Grad Party stuff that has to be returned to it's rightful owner.  Found a whole bunch of old books down the basement that we forgot we had.  Ordered some books from the library regarding antique books.  Going to see how much we can sell them for on E-Bay.  Went to the Drive In last nite to see Cars 2.  Cute movie.  Drive In is quite a place to people watch.  All the cars drving around with lights on was a bit irritating though.  Mowed 3 lawns this morning ~ whew.  Riding mower of course.  Should get on the ole bicycle later...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Wish List

  • Charity Island Dinner Cruise
  • Visit The Shores of West Michigan
  • Ride in a convertible car
  • Start Exercising
  • Biking at local parks
  • Go to the Northville Farmer's Market
  • Visit Calan & Emmett
  • *Go for a luxurious weekend brunch on the Royal Park Hotel's patio overlooking Paint Creek in Rochester. 
  • Eat at Red Mesa 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Summer’s here-whoohoo! What’s your favorite sight, sound, AND smell associated with summer?
Sight - The sun.          Sound - birds chirping, cicadas buzzing.              Smell - campfire smoke

2. Fireflies or lightning bugs…what are they called in your neck of the woods?
Lightning bugs for sure!

3. What is something from the past week that reminded you of your childhood?
Mowing the lawn on the riding mower.

4. Define ‘the good life’.
Living one day at a time.  Wow, like that's easy.  Being thankful for what you have and not complaining about what you don't.  Not comparing your life to others'.  Being thankful period.  Having a positive spin on things. wow, like that's easy too.  LOL

5. Tell us what we’d see if you took a snapshot of your desk/work space?
Yikes, right now there are stacks of paper everywhere.  Boxes, E-Bay stuff.  The office is a mess, and I hate that.
6. Peaches or watermelon…yes, you have to choose.

7. Ever been skinny dippin’? Is that too much for the Wednesday Hodgepodge? Rest assured we won’t need details…unless of course you feel you must but remember, this is a family friendly blog so keep it G rated.
No way.  All that free flopin?  nope.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I love summer!  But, I love spring and fall more.  Love the green everywhere.  Love the beautiful colors of flowers and birds.  Love to go camping - that is a summer only event.  When I was a kid I loved going to summer camp - the highlight of the year.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

My first Wednesday Hodgepodge. A list of questions. Thanks to my sister and her friends.

1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don’t have a bucket list let’s pretend you do.
Umm, I have always wanted to live on a lake.

2. What makes a good dad?
He's always on your side, you know he loves you. Does what's best for the family.

3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?

Yikes, bees, spiders, I hate JUNE BUGS, gross.

4. We’re barbecuing…what’s on the grill at your house?

Porks chops with asparagus and pineapple.

5. Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?

Ohhh, I wish I could say yes, but I LOVE to win and HATE to lose. Enough said.

6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?

None, nada, nope.

7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would _______________.

have 2 grands.

8. Insert your own random thought:
I have none at the moment. Just want to be on the other side of the graduation party on Saturday.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Time's A Flyin

Whew! Can't believe it's June. Been busy doing the regular stuff plus extra chores here and there to get ready for the Grad Party. Speaking of, I need to kind of finish her scrap book. Yikes! Days are just flyin I tell ya. The little guy is looking good and growing stronger. He weights 9.15 lbs now. He is sweet and I'm very attached. Also, speaking of grad stuff, Nicole was asked to be a speaker at the Grad ceremony. She will do great I'm sure. Have a couple grad parties to attend this weekend. The flower beds received their annual mulching today. They are looking good.

Well, little man is squawking so I'm going to go and try and stuff the "paci" back into his mouth.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Balloon Fest & Dog Bowl

Balloon Fest & Dog Bowl = fun times.

Severe weather threat = everyone packing up and getting out of there.

Took a little trip with the Aurands up to Frankenmuth to go to this year's balloon fest. and the dog bowl competitions. Stopped at Culver's in Birch Run for a quick lunch. The first show we wanted to see was the border collie sheep herding. It was awesome to watch those dogs corral the sheep into a pen. Next up was the Wiener dog race which I so wanted to see. Can you imagine all those little "hot dogs" running a race? But, the storm clouds rolled in and rumors of severe storms were heard all about. So we headed back to our vehicles just as the first of the rain sprinkles could be felt. We drove thru some fierce rain on the way home. 5 minutes later the tornado sirens could be heard. We gathered up our stuff and headed for the basement. When it seemed all clear we gathered up again and went back upstairs. About 10 minutes later the wind started whipping the trees behind the house and it got really dark. The sirens started going off again. So back we headed to the basement. Meanwhile I was trying to bake some brownies. We did finally get to the brownies and ice-cream later. Evan said he was really anticipating them!