About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Whew! And Then Some

Had RJ from Fri. afternoon til Sunday. I can't imagine people who have multiple babies. Crazy. We had to have stations. Feed/burp station #1. Change station #2. Swing station #3. Crib station #4. Jumper station #5 (only for RJ of course) Repeat every 30 minutes. So we just watched movies all day on Saturday. Then Sunday we went with the girls to the mall; they wanted to take the babies to see the Easter Bunny. Man, inflation. The least you can spend is $20 for 2 5 x 7's. So they each got one and split the cost. Then Sarah and I were off for a little escape time. We went to Lansing to go to "Five Guy's Hamburgers." We had gone to one of those in Ft. Myers in Feb. They are pretty awesome hamburgers and fries. (don't get more than a small) We like the Cajun fries. The fill up a cup place them in a brown paper bag & then dump a whole bunch more in the bag. Then we drove around MSU campus. Then we took the loooooooong way home. Driving very slowly of course. It was a much needed break...

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