Well, I see I haven't blogged (that is a new verb) since the very end of September. I really haven't been very creative, inspired, nor have I had much time. Not to mention that my computer gets taken away from me a lot now. We have doubled the size of the business, with 2 trucks going out daily and have hired office help to speed up the updating process and keep with with the 2 work teams that are going out daily. Therefore, my computer is not always available for personal use. Then, by the time evening rolls around I am just too tired.
Enough of that.
Here it is almost Christmas. Thank goodness we did allot of our shopping early and are mostly done. Now, just the wrapping. That may have to be done late night since the kids are around most days. The decorations ( only a few due to little hands and feet) and tree are up! New recipes have been researched. I'm hoping to try a few out at one of the various gatherings that are to be attended. I find myself with a bit of hacking cough and sinus headache this week. yuck! So maybe, just maybe I will be able to keep at this blogging thing...
Yea! A new blog. You don't have to write much or be creative-just write and of course include some recipes too.
Cavan is reading this blog-you might need him to spellcheck (another new verb) your blogs :)
You have some more "catching up" to do :)
Now Christmas is over-has been over for ONE MONTH!!
Now it's almost summer and I wrote a blog today :)
Hier ist es fast Weihnachten. Gott sei Dank, wir haben unsere Einkaufs frühen zuzuteilen und sind meist getan. Jetzt, nur die Hülle.
FIFA Münzen
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