About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Man I so have not had time to write.  There is just clusters of stuff circling around in my head.  Life is very busy right now.  Between working and babysitting and trying to get the housework down.  Whew!  Then there is the whole taking of the insulin 4 times a day.  I had to set the alarm on my phone just to remember that.  Going on a tiny little break on Monday.  There is a training for work in Grand Rapids on Tuesday.  We are going one day early to do something fun.  Maybe the Meijer Gardens, or golfing.  Or maybe just NOTHING> 
Peyton keeps me busy on the days I watch him.  He is quite active now adays.  So much fun & really, he brings joy to my life.  So cute and so funny!
Really trying to watch the diet and then to get the exercise in.  My new activities are: walking, badmitton and tennis.  Not sure if the badmittion will work out.  Too much laughing and then........  Oh dear.
Oh, and I got a new "Life is Good" hat AND Tee today.
Going to wrap up so I can chill for a few.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where did you come up with badmitton? Lol, I know exactly what happens. It sounds fun though. You sound a might stressed there. Glad your sugar is down and hope your little "break" helps you.