About Me

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The Creek, Michigan, United States
I am a fifty-something diabetic who really needs to become more fit and healthy. If you want to know more, read on.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fresh, Fresh, Fresh

Michigan produce that is.  Making:
stuffed peppers
corn on the cob
green beans
all from local Michigan gardens!
Yumm, yumm, yumm!
I use my mom's recipe for the stuffed peppers.  Secret recipe..... shhhhh.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The New Rock/Plant Garden

This is the beginning of the new garden.  I was not happy with the previous "look" of the area.  So the first step was to pile on loads (well load actually - one dump truck full) of black dirt.  Then a lot of helpers spread the dirt out and did the basic shape of the outline.  Then it sat for a while since we decided to camp with the camper in a variety of locations.  We had even bought some plants to go in the garden; but they even sat on the deck.  While on various trips we selected rocks from different bodies of Michigan water ways.  There are rocks from Lakes: Michigan, Huron, Superior and Otsego. 
Next, the placing of the rocks and plants.  Followed by the purchase and spreading of the mulch.  Local friends donated their 13 year old boy to help with that project.  Oh he was paid well for the job.  Poor kid though, it was one of those hot steamy days.  This is where it stands to date: